Mikhail ROMM
Михаил РОММ
Mikhaïl ROMM
USSR, 1934, 69mn 
Black and white, silent, fiction
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 Boule de suif

Directed by : Mikhail ROMM (Михаил РОММ)
Galina SERGEYEVA (Галина СЕРГЕЕВА) ...Élisabeth Rousset (Boule de suif)
Andrey FAIT (Андрей ФАЙТ) ...Prussian Officer
Faina RANEVSKAIA (Фаина РАНЕВСКАЯ) ...Mrs. Loiseau
Piotr REPNIN (Пётр РЕПНИН) ...Mr. Carré-Lamadon
Tatyana OKUNEVSKAIA (Татьяна ОКУНЕВСКАЯ) ...Mrs. Carré-Lamadon
Anatoli GORYUNOV (Анатолий ГОРЮНОВ) ...Mr. Loiseau
Vsevolod YAKUT (Всеволод ЯКУТ)
Cinematography : Boris VOLCHEK (Борис ВОЛЧЕК)
Companies : Moskinokombina (Москинокомбинат)
Restauration : Sonorisé en 1955
Release Date in Russia : 15/09/1934
Site : IMDb

Awards :
Prix au Festival de Venise, 1935

Plot synopsis
Screen version of G.de Maupassant’s story of the same name.
Mikhail Room was essentially inspired by the second part of Maupassant's "Boule de suif" story. A group of French people travel by stagecoach through occupied France. Among the travelers, a woman of little virtue whom the others, well-meaning bourgeois, ignore or look at with contempt. But when a Prussian officer demands the favors of the lady to deliver the indispensable passes, everyone begs her to give in for the common good. She refuses at first, then out of pity accepts. As soon as the precious documents were obtained, all the travelers again turned away from the lady and displayed their contempt.

Пышка (1934) [A propos du film Boule de suif de Mikhail Romm], f-ranevskaya.ru, 2022
Les quinze films étrangers et soviétiques préférés de Joseph Staline, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2022
Quand le cinéma soviétique puisait son inspiration dans les lettres françaises, Maria SOKOLOVSKAIA, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2022
Comment Mikhaïl Romm, réalisateur d’un film sur Lénine, a déconstruit le nazisme, Valeria PAÏKOVA, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2021
À propos de l’image de la France dans quelques films soviétiques (1929-1956), Natalia IAKOVLEVA, Presses Universitaires du Midi, Le Cinéma "stalinien", 2003
Печать времени. Нея Зоркая о творчестве Михаила Ромма, Neya ZORKAYA, chapaev.media, 1966

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Russian or Soviet films awarded at Berlin, Cannes or Venice, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2023
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2023
- Russian Film Festival For Another Russia, Paris (France), 2019
- Musicales franco-russes, Toulouse (France), 2019
- Fondation Jérôme Seydoux. L'âge d'or du cinéma muet russe (1908-1934), Paris (France), 2015
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2003
