Vladimir MENSHOV
Владимир МЕНЬШОВ
Vladimir MENCHOV
USSR, 1984, 106mn 
Colour, fiction
Love and Doves
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Любовь и голуби


 Amour et pigeons / L'amour et les colombes

 Lyubov i goluby

Directed by : Vladimir MENSHOV (Владимир МЕНЬШОВ)
Writing credits : Vladimir GURKIN (Владимир ГУРКИН)
Nina DOROSHINA (Нина ДОРОШИНА) ... Nadia
Lyudmila GURCHENKO (Людмила ГУРЧЕНКО) ... Raïssa Zaharovna / Раиса Захаровна
Ianina LISOVSKAYA (Янина ЛИСОВСКАЯ) ... Lioudka
Igor LYAKH (Игорь ЛЯХ) ... Lionka / Лёнька
Vladimir MENSHOV (Владимир МЕНЬШОВ)
Aleksandr MIKHAYLOV (Александр МИХАЙЛОВ) ... Vasia / Василий Кузякин
Natalia Natalya TENYAKOVA (Наталья ТЕНЯКОВА) ... grand-mère Choura / баба Шура
Sergey YURSKY (Сергей ЮРСКИЙ) ... grand-père Mitia / дядя Митя
Cinematography : Yuri NEVSKY (Юрий НЕВСКИЙ)
Production design : Felix YASYUKEVICH (Феликс ЯСЮКЕВИЧ)
Music : Valentin Valentin LEVASHOV (Валентин ЛЕВАШОВ)
Production : Mosfilm
Spectators : 44,5 millions of spectators
Release date in Russia : 07/01/1985
Sites : IMDb, Kinopoisk

Awards :
1985 - Prix Torremolinoc

Plot synopsis
The worker of the forest management has a wife, three kids and pigeon breeding. He gets an all-expenses-paid trip to the health resort. There he falls in love with elegant single lady. But he recollects himself in time and comes back home to give himself up. His wife could not resist her husbands genuine repentance.
Source : www.mosfilm.ru

Commentaries and bibliography
Бриллиантовая рука и Москва слезам не верит выйдут в повторный прокат [Les films Le Bras de diamant et Moscou ne croit pas aux larmes ressort sur les écrans de toute la Russie], rg.ru, 2024
Dix films soviétiques d’anthologie qui parlent d’amour, Alexandra GOUZEVA, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2024
Les dix plus grands films soviétiques des années 1980, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2023
Top-14 des comédies soviétiques intemporelles à regarder en ligne avec des sous-titres, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2023
Reviews on Kinopoisk

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Soviet comedies, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2024
- Best Soviet films according to Russia Beyond, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2023
- Russian Film Festival in Niort, Niort (France), 2018
- Russian Film Festival For Another Russia, Paris (France), 2015
- Marseille Russian Film Festival in Toursky, Marseille (France), 2015
- Nantes Russian Film Festival, Nantes (France), 2014
- Festival of Russian cinema in Nice, Nice (France), 2014

Photos and videos