Sultan-Akhmet KHODZHIKOV
Султан-Ахмет ХОДЖИКОВ
Sultan-Akhmet KHODJIKOV
USSR (Kazakhstan), 1970, 135mn 
Colour, fiction
Kyz Zhibek
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 La Jeune Fille de soie


Directed by : Sultan-Akhmet KHODZHIKOV (Султан-Ахмет ХОДЖИКОВ)
Writing credits : Gabit MUSREPOV (Габит МУСРЕПОВ)
Meruert UTEKESHEVA (Меруерт УТЕКЕШЕВА) ...Zhibek
Asanali ASHIMOV (Асанали АШИМОВ) ...Bekezhan
Anuarbek MOLDABEKOV (Ануарбек МОЛДАБЕКОВ) ...Shege
Kenenbay KOZHABEKOV (Кененбай КОЖАБЕКОВ) ...khan Syrlybay
Gulfayrus ISMAILOVA (Гульфайрус ИСМАИЛОВА) ...Zhibek'smother
Cinematography : Askhat ASHRAPOV (Асхат АШРАПОВ)
Production design : Gulfayrus ISMAILOVA (Гульфайрус ИСМАИЛОВА)
Music : Nurgisa TLENDIYEV (Нургиса ТЛЕНДИЕВ)
Production : Kazakhfilm
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
In the 16th century, Kazakhstan suffers from feudal wars. At that time each province in the country is ruled by a khan and tries to establish its domination on the others. The nice love story between brave warrior Tolegen and beautiful Zhibek tragically ends because of the conflict between their families. The film is the cinematic adaptation of a famous Kazak legend. 16 variations of this legend exist in Kazakhstan and an opera based on it was created in 1934. "Kyz Zhibek" is a perfect example of the Kazak epic with plenty of colours and folk songs. The negative character brilliantly acted by insolent, charismatic and irresistible Asanali Ashimov, is one the most memorable characters of the film.
The film won several distinctions and awards in Kazakhstan and all over Soviet Union.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Festival du film kazakh, Paris (France), 2020
- Vesoul International Asiatic Film Festival, Vesoul (France), 2012