Early Soviet cinema: innovation, ideology and propaganda
Author : David GILLESPIE
Edition : Wallflower Press, 2000
ISBN 1903364043, 9781903364048
116 pages
Langue : English
Site / Google : http://books.google.fr/ ...
Period : 1917 - 1930
Volume 4 de Short cuts, Wallflower paperback
Early Soviet Cinema: Innovation, Ideology and Propagandaexamines the aesthetics of Soviet cinema during its "golden age" of the 1920s, against a background of cultural ferment and the construction of a new socialist society. Separate chapters are devoted to the work of Sergei Eisenstein, Lev Kuleshov, Vsevolod Pudovkin, Dziga Vertov and Alexander Dovzhenko. Other major directors are also discussed at length. David Gillespie places primary focus on the text, with analysis concentrating on the artistic qualities, rather than the political implications, of each film. The result is not only a discussion of each director's contribution to the "golden age" and to world cinema but also an exploration of their own distinctive poetics.
Subjects : censorship, Cinema history,