Production designer
Born 1935 
Died 2021
Vladimir ZUYKOV
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Владимир ЗУЙКОВ
Vladimir ZOUIKOV
Filmography (extracts)
2013 - Belosinee bezmolvie (Белосинее безмолвие) from Vadim OBORVALOV [animation, 2 mn]
Production designer
2013 - Belosinee bezmolvie (Белосинее безмолвие) from Vadim OBORVALOV [animation, 2 mn]
1986 - Just a Boy (Мальчик как мальчик) from Natalya GOLOVANOVA [animation, 10 mn]
1985 - The Royal Sandwich (Королевский бутерброд) from Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY [animation, 10 mn]
1983 - Lev i byk (Лев и бык) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 10 mn]
1983 - Rodamus Qwerck's Delusion (Наваждение Родамуса Кверка) from Valery UGAROV [animation, 10.24 mn]
1982 - Olympiad (Олимпионики) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 19.36 mn]
1981 - Khalif-Aist | Caliph Stork (Халиф-аист) from Valery UGAROV [animation, 20 mn]
1980 - Oh Sport – You Are Peace! (О спорт, ты – мир!) from Fyodor KHITRUK , Yuri OZEROV , Boris RYCHKOV [documentary, 150 mn]
1976 - Ikar and Wise Men (Икар и мудрецы) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 8.6 mn]
1976 - Tari the Birdie (Птичка Тари) from Gennadi SOKOLSKY [animation, 9 mn]
1976 - Shkatulka s sekretom (Шкатулка с секретом) from Valery UGAROV [animation, 10 mn]
1974 - I Give You a Star (Дарю тебе звезду) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 8 mn]
1973 - The Balance of Fear (Равновесие страха) from Eduard NAZAROV [animation, 2 mn]
1973 - The Island (Остров) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 10 mn]
1972 - Winnie the Pooh and a day of care (Винни-Пух и день забот) from Fyodor KHITRUK , Gennadi SOKOLSKY [animation, 20 mn]
1971 - Winnie the Pooh is Going on a Visit (Винни-Пух идёт в гости) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 10 mn]
1969 - Winnie Pooh (Винни-Пух) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 11 mn]
1968 - Film, film, film (Фильм, фильм, фильм) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 20 mn]
Site : Kinopoisk

27 January 1935, Moscow - 25 February 2021, Moscow
Graduated from Moscow's Potemkin Pedagogical Institute in 1956. Graduated from Moscow's Potemkin Pedagogical Institute in 1956.
He teaches and works as a graphic designer on contract for various publishing houses.
Since 1967, he has been a decorator-producer at the Soyuzmultfilm studio. Has worked in the field of cartoon animation. Most of his films have been created with director F.S. Khitruk, as well as with V.M. Ugarov, V.I. Morozov, N.E. Golovanova, G.M. Sokolsky, N.O. Lerner and others.
He has been illustrating books since 1972. From 1996 to 2005, he taught at the Animation Art School. Since 2002, he has taught at the VGIK in the animation film-making department.