Production Designer,
Born in 1900 
Died in 1983
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Зинаида Семеновна БРУМБЕРГ
From filmography
1968 - Kot v sapogakh (Кот в сапогах) [animation, 19 mn]
1961 - Bolshie nepriyatnosti (Большие неприятности) [animation, 8 mn]
1957 - Ispolnenie zhelaniy (Исполнение желаний) [animation, 31 mn]
1953 - Polyot na lunu (Полет на луну) [animation, 29 mn]
1948 - Fedya Zaytsev (Федя Зайцев) [animation, 20.48 mn]
1941 - Zhurnal politsatiry N 2 (Журнал политсатиры N 2) [animation, 10 mn]
1941 - Bey vraga na fronte i v tylu (Бей врага на фронте и в тылу) [animation, 2 mn]
1938 - Ivashko i Baba-Yaga (Ивашко и Баба-Яга) [animation, 11 mn]
1928 - samoedskiy malchik (Самоедский мальчик) [animation, 7 mn]
1941 - Zhurnal politsatiry N 2 (Журнал политсатиры N 2) from Zinaida BRUMBERG , Valentina BRUMBERG , Aleksandr_2 IVANOV , Ivan IVANOV-VANO , Olga KHODATAYEVA [animation, 10 mn]
1938 - Ivashko i Baba-Yaga (Ивашко и Баба-Яга) from Zinaida BRUMBERG , Valentina BRUMBERG [animation, 11 mn]
1928 - samoedskiy malchik (Самоедский мальчик) from Zinaida BRUMBERG , Valentina BRUMBERG , Nikolay KHODATAYEV , Olga KHODATAYEVA [animation, 7 mn]
Production Designer
1968 - Kot v sapogakh (Кот в сапогах) from Zinaida BRUMBERG , Valentina BRUMBERG [animation, 19 mn]
1928 - samoedskiy malchik (Самоедский мальчик) from Zinaida BRUMBERG , Valentina BRUMBERG , Nikolay KHODATAYEV , Olga KHODATAYEVA [animation, 7 mn]
1925 - Kitay v ogne (Ruki proch ot Kitaya!) (Китай в огне (Руки прочь от Китая!)) from Nikolay KHODATAYEV , Zenon KOMISSARENKO , Yuri MERKULOV [animation, 38 mn]
Sites : IMDb,,

Graduated from VKhUTEMAS and later was co-author and co-director of V. Brumberg. The Brumberg sisters are among the oldest Soviet animators. Until 1935 they worked together with the director Khodataev and Ivanov-Vano, and from 1937 their independent creative activity began. The films of the Brumberg sisters are of various genres, they are a satire, a modern fairy tale or a musical.

- Baba Yaga, construction et évolution d’un mythe animé en Russie LAUREN DEHGAN, 2019, Slovo, Presses de l’INALCO
- Le cinéma d’animation d’agit-prop et le monde enchanté de la modernité : projeter Le Petit Samoyède aux confins du Nord de l’URSS Caroline DAMIENS, 2019, Inalco / CREE
- Le cosmos comme terrain de jeu : l’espace dans l’animation soviétique et russe , Birgit BEUMERS, Nina SPUTNITSKAYA, 2019,
- Women film pioneers : The Brumberg Sisters Maya BALAKIRSKY KATZ, 2019,