Anastasia NOVIKOVA
Анастасия_2 НОВИКОВА
Anastassia NOVIKOVA
Russia, 2018, 11mn 
A waiting
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Directed by : Anastasia NOVIKOVA (Анастасия_2 НОВИКОВА)
Writing credits : Anastasia NOVIKOVA (Анастасия_2 НОВИКОВА)
Cinematography : Anastasia NOVIKOVA (Анастасия_2 НОВИКОВА)
Editing : Anastasia NOVIKOVA (Анастасия_2 НОВИКОВА)
Produced by : Anastasia NOVIKOVA (Анастасия_2 НОВИКОВА)

Plot synopsis
A young man named Danya is lost in a huge oceanarium amid laughter and smiles of people rejoicing their lives. He has autism, he is rejected by society, he is alone in a huge crowd which does not want to notice him. But from morning until late evening, Danya patiently waits for her, Julietta, the one by which he is no longer alone.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- International Documentary Film Festival "Flahertiana", Perm (Russia), 2019