USSR, 1982, 91mn 
I Cannot Say Farewell
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Не могу сказать «Прощай»


 Je ne peux pas dire "Adieu"

 Ne mogu skazat 'proshchay'

Directed by : Boris DUROV (Борис ДУРОВ)
Production : Gorky Film Studio
Spectators : 34,6 millions of spectators
Release date in Russia : 24/08/1982
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
On friendship, loyalty to duty, betrayal and selfless love. At the ball, Lida meets the handsome Sergei. Falling in love with the handsome Sergei, after a while she realized that for him, his love was just a new adventure. Lida takes his marriage to the beautiful Marta very badly. It turns out that the beautiful and pragmatic Marta really appreciates the prosperity of the house, so Sergei has to work long and hard. They leave for Sergei's native village, where he finds a job in a company in the timber industry. A misfortune has happened to him at work: a heavy tree falls on him and breaks his spine, his wife cannot withstand the test. Now he was bedridden, and according to the doctors' predictions, he will remain disabled for the rest of his life. Soon his wife Martha fled from him to the city. Then Lida, having learned of the problem, came to her beloved, began to take care of him and will stay with him forever ...