Vladimir PETROV
Владимир ПЕТРОВ
Vladimir PETROV
USSR, 1951, 107mn 
Colour, fiction
Sporting Honour
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Спортивная честь


 L'Honneur des sportifs

 Sportivnaya chest

Directed by : Vladimir PETROV (Владимир ПЕТРОВ)
Production : Mosfilm
Spectators : 20.3 millions of spectators
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
The year of 1951. Football boom in the USSR. A conflict between Vitaly Grinko and Nikolay Vetlugin, the two players of «Turbina» team, arises from envy and aspersion. When Nikolay accidentally scored a defensive goal Vitaly spread the rumor as if he had done it on purpose. The team managed to make the situation clear. The heroes reconciled and the team won an international match.
Source : www.mosfilm.ru

Commentaries and bibliography
«Я» и «мы» на зеленом квадрате. Футбол в советском кино сталинской эпохи [Le football dans le cinéma soviétique à l'époque de Staline], Ирина ГРАДИНАРИ, seance.ru, 2018

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Sport in Russian and Soviet feature films, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2024
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2014