Screen adaptation of the novella “Thirst” by Andrei Gelasimov.
Kostya’s life is divided into two parts: before Chechnya and after. And it’s not at
all about the war, but during the last fight he suffered serious burns in his tank.
His friends rescued him, pulling him from the tank, and the doctors saved his
life. But there’s nothing left in Kostya’s life: there’s just him and his disfigured
appearance. Now he lives alone, quenches his thirst with vodka and makes drawings. Kostya is afraid of the world outside, as much as the world is afraid of him.
With the disappearance of his army friend Sergei a strange mechanism is set in
motion, thanks to which Kostya restores his life. Together with his friends he
launches a search for his comrade. He sorts out his relationship with the father,
who abandoned him when he was a child. He understands that he is still needed
in this world. And his irrepressible desire to live finds expression in his drawings.