4 Фестиваль Российского Документального кино в Нью-Йорке (Трайбека)
Нью Йорк (США) - 30 сентябрь 2011 - 02 Октябрь 0011
Фильм открытия

Виктор Некрасов. Вся жизнь в окопах
Виктор Некрасов. Вся жизнь в окопах, 2011

(Viktor Nekrassov. Une vie dans les tranchées)

Алексей ШИШОВ (Alekseï CHICHOV)


Река жизни. Валентин Распутин
Река жизни. Валентин Распутин, 2011

(La Rivière de la vie. Valentin Raspoutine)


Толкай телегу к звездам...
Толкай телегу к звездам..., 2011

(Pousse la voiture vers les étoiles...)

Александр ГУРЬЯНОВ
(Aleksandr GOURIANOV)

Александр ГУРЬЯНОВ
Арифметика свободы
Арифметика свободы, 2010

(L'Arithmétique de la liberté)

Александр МАРУТЯН
(Aleksandr MAROUTIAN)

Александр МАРУТЯН
Бегущие сельской тропой
Бегущие сельской тропой, 2010

(En courant par les chemins de campagne)


Сергей Юрский. Игра в жизнь
Сергей Юрский. Игра в жизнь, 2010

(Sergueï Yourski. Le jeu de la vie)

(Mikhaïl MINKINE)

Молите Бога о нас
Молите Бога о нас, 2008

(Priez Dieu pour nous)

Алексей ИЛЮХИН

Алексей ИЛЮХИН

Другие фильмы
- The Enthusiast's Demarche, Sergey Kokovkin (USA), 52 min, Script by : Sergey Kokovkin (USA)
The film includes interviews with: Elena Dovlatova, Dovlatov's widow; Ksana Mechik, Dovlatov's sister; Lev Losev, writer; Andrey Ariev, writer/critic; Vagrich Bachkhanyan, artist/writer; Vitaly Komar, artist; Lyudmila Stern, writer; Alexander Genis, writer; and many others. Dovlatov's fate was full of mysteries and changes. He played with his life the same way he played with his characters - openly and recklessly. He passed away at the age of 48, just missing his fantastic popularity back at home in Russia. Candid, occasionally almost confessional stories told in the film help develop a multi-faceted, uniquely lively personality of a wonderful man and a great writer. The film aims to create the effect that Sergey Dovlatov is still here with us. The screening is sponsored by The New Review Corporation (USA).

- The Artists of Odessa, Dmitry Khavin (USA), 47 min, CEC ArtsLink (USA)
A nostalgic look from New York director Dmitry Khavin at the homeland of his ancestors. The viewer sees Odessa as it was seen by Babel, Zhabotinsky, Eisenstein, Kandinksy, and others. Modern artists, actors, and poets - both those who have left their childhood home and those who have stayed - tell stories of their favorite city with typical Odessa humor.

- Kamchatka. The Salmon Country, Daniel Levin, 30 min, Studio: Pepela Production (USA)
A work by an American documentary filmmaker on the subject of ecological and economical problems of Russian Kamchatka. Journalists, ecologists, forest rangers - those who bravely oppose poaching and corruption in these Pacific parts of modern Russia - tell the stories of their struggles and hopes. The film presents the beautiful but crumbling world of Kamchatka nature.


Гран-при :

Болото (Boloto), 2010, с Ирина ВАСИЛЬЕВА (Irina VASILYEVA)

Специальный приз жюри :

На улице прекрасная погода (Na ulitse prekrasnaya pogoda), 2011, с Марина РАЗБЕЖКИНА (Marina RAZBEZHKINA)

Диплома :

Виктор Астафьев. Веселый солдат (Viktor Astafyev. Veselyy soldat), 2010, с Андрей ЗАЙЦЕВ (Andrey ZAYTSEV)

Остров Лемнос. Русская Голгофа (Ostrov Lemnos. Russkaya Golgofa), 2011, с Галина ОГУРНАЯ (Galina OGURNAYA)