Russia, 2019, 90mn 
Colour, fiction
Epidemiya. Vongozero
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Эпидемия. Вонгозеро


 The Outbreak

 L'Epidémie. Vongozero

Directed by : Pavel KOSTOMAROV (Павел КОСТОМАРОВ)
Writing credits : Roman KANTOR (Роман КАНТОР), Aleksey KARAULOV (Алексей КАРАУЛОВ)
Based on novel Vongozero by Yana Vagner
Kirill KYARO (Кирилл КЯРО) ...Sergey
Viktoria ISAKOVA (Виктория ИСАКОВА) ...Anya
Maryana SPIVAK (Марьяна СПИВАК) ...Irina
Aleksandr ROBAK (Александр РОБАК) ...Lyonya
Natalia ZEMTSOVA (Наталья ЗЕМЦОВА) ...Marina
Cinematography : David KHAUZNIKOV (Давид ХАЙЗНИКОВ)
Production design : Mariya PASICHNIK-RAKSHA (Мария ПАСИЧНИК-РАКША)
Music : Aleksandr_2 SOKOLOV (Александр_2 СОКОЛОВ)
Produced by : Aleksandr BONDAREV (Александр БОНДАРЕВ), Djanik FAIZIEV (Джаник ФАЙЗИЕВ), Valery FEDOROVICH (Валерий ФЕДОРОВИЧ), Rafael MINASBEKYAN (Рафаел МИНАСБЕКЯН), Yevgeni NIKISHOV (Евгений НИКИШОВ)
Companies : TNT Premier Studios
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
A deadly virus of unknown origin has decimated Moscow. Sergey, along with his girlfriend and their autistic son are joined by his ex-wife, their son and several fellows to escape the quarantine zone lest they suffer a slow and painful death. Somewhere far away, on a desert island in Karelia, there is a cabin- their only chance to start all over again. But the journey will not be an easy one as the deadly virus and interpersonal conflict threaten to pull the group apart. (

To the Lake (2019) [de Pavel Kostomarov], Julien MORVAN, Perestroikino, 2020
Qui est Yana Vagner, auteur du roman Le Lac?, Alexandra GOUZEVA, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2020

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Russian Resurrection Film Festival, Different cities (Australia), 2019
- Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival : PÖFF, Tallinn (Estonia), 2019
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2019