Metropolitain ILARION (ALFFEYEV)
Russia, 2021  
Normandiya-Neman. Istoria odnogo polka
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Нормандия-Неман. История одного полка


 Normandiya-Neman. Istoria odnogo polka

 Normandie-Niémen. Histoire d'un régiment.

Directed by : Metropolitain ILARION (ALFFEYEV) (Митрополит ИЛАРИОН (АЛФЕЕВ))

Plot synopsis
This film is dedicated to the legendary regiment "Normandy - Neman" (Normandie - Niémen). This is a French fighter aviation regiment that fought on the Soviet-German front. In particular, he took part in the Battle of Kursk in 1943 and the Belarusian operation in 1944.
The history of this regiment is a vivid example of the valor and mutual support that people provided to each other despite their cultural and political differences. The memory of the Normandie-Niemen fighters was maintained in the Soviet Union. In 1960, a Soviet-French film about this regiment was released, museums dedicated to it were opened in schools. It is very important to remember him today.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- War in contemporary Russian cinema, (France), 2023
