Vladimir KOZLOV
Владимир КОЗЛОВ
Vladimir KOZLOV
Russia / Belarus / France, 2004, 26mn 
Colour, documentary
Pusskaya sestrichka iz abbatsta Silvanes
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Русская сестричка из аббатства Сильванес


 The Russian Small Sister from Abbey of Sylvanes

 Petite soeur russe de Sylvanès

Directed by : Vladimir KOZLOV (Владимир КОЗЛОВ)
Writing credits : Vladimir KOZLOV (Владимир КОЗЛОВ)
Companies : EcranSud (France) ; France 3 Sud ; Téléfilm, Minsk, Biélorussie (ЗАО «Телефильм», Минск, Беларусь) ; Kinobank (Russie) (Кинобанк, РФ)
format : Video
Sites : www.ecransud.fr/courtdoc.htm#part3, toulousecei.free.fr/article.php3?id_article=29

Plot synopsis
The film tells how on the initiative of the father André Gouzes this church constructed in Russia in 1993 in the style of 17th - 18th century, without nails, was transported in France then rebuilt in Sylvanès.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2006