Born in 1955, USSR (Russia)
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From filmography
2020 - Absoliutno schaslivyy chelovek (Абсолютно счастливый человек) [documentary, 52 mn]
2018 - Zabeg (Забег) [documentary, 39 mn]
2018 - 101 kilometr (101 километр) [documentary, 39 mn]
2012 - Ya ne vernulsya iz boya (Я не вернулся из боя...) [documentary, 26 mn]
2002 - Povelitel luzh (Повелитель луж) [fiction, 80 mn]
2020 - Absoliutno schaslivyy chelovek (Абсолютно счастливый человек) from Artemi BELOV , Sergey RUSAKOV [documentary, 52 mn]
2018 - 101 kilometr (101 километр) from Sergey RUSAKOV [documentary, 39 mn]
2012 - Ya ne vernulsya iz boya (Я не вернулся из боя...) from Sergey RUSAKOV [documentary, 26 mn]
2008 - Rusichi (Русичи) from Adel AL KHADAD [fiction, 90 mn]

Other films
1992 - Пустельга (Pustelga)
1996 - Хирург (Surgeon)
1998 - Дом на обочине (House at Road Side)
1999 - Остап Бендер. История Прототипа (Ostap Bender. Prototype History)
2006 - Пираты 20 века. Еременко и Нигматуллин (Pirates of the XX Century. Yeremenko and Nigmatullin)
2007 - Приказано выжить... (Ordered to Survive...)
2008 - Петля Корбут (Korbut’s Loop)
2010 Многое помнится о Таганроге...Отчизны милые черты (Much is Remembered about Taganrog... Mother’s Sweet Features)
2011 - След в степи (Trace in Steppe)
Site : IMDb

Born in 1955 in a military settlement in the Khabarovsk Region.
Grew up in Siberia town, served in the Army in Estonia, worked as a newspaper, radio/TV correspondent in Kazakhstan. Headed the youth editorial board of the State Kazakh TV Company. In 1991 graduated from the script of the VGIK (workshop N. Figurovsky and Baalikhina).
Laureate of the «Golden Ostap» award. Member of the Film Directors’ Guild , member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation, member of the Eurasian Cinema and TV Academy.