6 МКФ «Русское Зарубежье»
Москва (Россия) - 07 ноябрь 2012 - 14 ноябрь 2012
2023 2012 2011 2007

Конкурс документальных фильмов
И целой жизни стоит...
И целой жизни стоит..., 2012

(Au prix d'une vie entière...)


Ксения, дочь Куприна
Ксения, дочь Куприна, 2012

(Ksenia, la fille de Kouprine)


Виктор Некрасов. Вся жизнь в окопах
Виктор Некрасов. Вся жизнь в окопах, 2011

(Viktor Nekrassov. Une vie dans les tranchées)

Алексей ШИШОВ (Alekseï CHICHOV)


Демарш энтузиаста
Демарш энтузиаста, 2011

(La Démarche de l'enthousiaste)

(Sergueï_2 KOKOVKINE)

Форт Росс. Легенды и реалии
Форт Росс. Легенды и реалии, 2011

(Fort Ross. Légendes et réalités)



Белый снег России
Белый снег России, 1980

(La Neige blanche de Russie)



Другие фильмы
Feature Film Competition :

- Kolya (Коля). Directed by: Jan Sverak, Czech Republic – United Kingdom, 1996, 105 minutes
Czech musician, a true bachelor for mercenary reasons marries a Russian woman. Fate gives him an unexpected blow. "Wife" disappears and the hero has to take care of her five year old son Kolya. Kolya does not understand a word of Czech language and his tutor does not speak Russian. There will be a long way to understanding — the way full of amusing misunderstandings, funny and sad adventures, laughter and love...

The Man Who Cried (Человек, который плакал). Directed by: Sally Potter, United Kingdom, 2000, 96 minutes
"The Man Who Cried" is a story about survival set in Paris in 1939. A girl, Suzie, loses everything and everyone she loves, but nevertheless finds a singing voice and begins a search for her long-lost father. The people she meets on her journey (Lola, a Russian dancer; Dante, an Italian opera singer; and Cesar, a gypsy horseman), are also trying to survive, each in his or her own way. At first their struggles are personal – the fight for friendship, for money and power, for love. But with the threat of war, survival issues become matters of life and death. The choices – political and moral – that the four characters make under this terrible pressure define who they are.

Documentary Films :

Maestro (Маэстро). Script and directed by: Maria Astroeva, Serbia, 2011, 27 minutes
Thanks to his contribution to the development of the Serbian directing, Serbian theater reached the European level. Yury Rakitin directed over hundred of performances — from tragedy to vaudeville and opera. The works of Rakitin were defined by critics as "original" and the decorations of the scene — "bold". In 1922, Yuri Lvovich became a teacher at the acting and ballet schools of the National Theatre in Belgrade. Many of his students became famous artists.

Naaabokov. The happy years (Набоков. Счастливые годы). Director : Maria Gerstein, USA, 2007, 66 minutes
In May 1940, fleeing from the Nazis, Vladimir Nabokov emigrated from Europe to America. He spent seven years in Boston. His American career started there when a recognized classic of Russian literature turned into a brilliant English-language writer. Poorly studied, the mysterious Boston period in the life of Nabokov provided the impetus for the writing the script and the creation of this film.

"Russian Samovar" - where it's light and clean («Русский Самовар» - там где светло и чисто). Directed by: Maxim Dashkin, Justin Sullivan, USA, 2011, 18 minutes
Роман Каплан мечтал стать писателем. Ребенком он чуть не погиб от голода в блокадном Ленинграде.
В зрелые годы оказался в эмиграции в Израиле, а затем переехал в Нью-Йорк, где в партнерстве с поэтом Иосифом Бродским и танцором Михаилом Барышниковым открыл ресторан «Русский самовар». Писателем Роман так и не стал, но теперь ему не грозит голод и он окружен творческими людьми. Roman Kaplan wanted to be a writer. In childhood he nearly died of starvation in the besieged Leningrad. In his later years he was in exile in Israel and then moved to New York, where in partnership with the poet Joseph Brodsky and dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov opened the restaurant "Russian Samovar". Roman didn’t become a writer but now he is safe from starvation and surrounded by creative people.

- Occasional visitors from random train (Случайные гости из случайного поезда). Script and directed by: Anton Donchev, Bulgaria, 2012, 58 minutes
Болгария входит в число стран, которые приняли наибольшее количество русских беженцев после большевистской революции 1917 года. Многие из них остались там навсегда... Сегодня некоторые их потомки мучительно задаются вопросом: можно ли, пытаясь отыскать пути в прошлое, изменить свое будущее?
Bulgaria is among the countries that have the largest number of Russian refugees after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution. Many of them have stayed there forever... Today, some of their descendants painfully wonder: is it possible — by trying to find a way into the past to change the future?

- Tikhon Trojanov. Russian lawyer in Geneva (Тихон Троянов. Русский адвокат в Женеве). Script, director and director of photography: Gilles Vyuisso, Switzerland, 2012, 50 minutes
Tikhon Troyanov was born in 1932 in Belgrade in the family of Russian immigrants. In 1944 the family moved to Switzerland. After the graduation from the Law Faculty of the University of Lausanne, he worked as a journalist for Liberty Radiostation in Munich and New York. Five years later he returned to Lausanne, did the doctorate and opened a law company in Geneva. At the end of the 80s Tikhon Trojanov made his first trip to Russia and in 1992 opened a branch of his company in Moscow. He took part in the organisation of House of Russia Abroad in Moscow as a lawyer.


- "Holy man. Life of St. John of Shanghai" («Божий человек. Житие Святого Иоанна Шанхайского»), directed by Maria Reshetnikova (USA, 2012, 60 minutes, documentary)
The film is about St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, the wonder-worker, one of the brightest bearer of spiritual values and ideals of Holy Russia.