Дарина ШМИДТ
Russia, 2020, 75mn 
The Horse Yuli and big horse races
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Конь Юлий и Большие скачки


 Le Cheval Youli et Les Grandes Courses de chevaux

 Kon Yulij i bolshiye skachki

Directed by : Konstantin FEOKTISTOV (Константин ФЕОКТИСТОВ), Darina SCHMIDT (Дарина ШМИДТ)
Writing credits : Aleksandr BOIARSKY (Александр БОЯРСКИЙ), Vadim SVESHNIKOV (Вадим СВЕШНИКОВ), Maksim SVESHNIKOV (Максим СВЕШНИКОВ)
Production design : Andrey YAKOBCHUK (Андрей ЯКОБЧУК)
Music : Sergey SELIANOV (Сергей СЕЛЬЯНОВ), Georgi ZHERIAKOV (Георгий ЖЕРЯКОВ)
Produced by : Aleksandr BOIARSKY (Александр БОЯРСКИЙ), Sergey SELIANOV (Сергей СЕЛЬЯНОВ)
Production : Студия анимационного кино «Мельница» / Studio d'animation "Melnitsa"
Film revenue in Russia : 4.875 million dollars
Spectators : 1 439 892
Release date in Russia : 31/12/2020
Site : IMDb

Awards :
Best Animation film Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2022

Plot synopsis
That's it: the talking horse Youli is in love! And this time it is quite serious: he asks for the hand, that is to say the hoof, of the royal mare of Sultan Rachid named Etoile d'Orient. But a man of the Tsar's family can only ask for the hand of a mare of royal blood. Youli asks the prince of Kiev for help but is refused. But our suitor does not intend to give up. He kidnaps the prince and takes him by force to the sultan to obtain the marriage. And the bogatyrs also have things to do in the East. Everyone agrees to organize big races where the winner will get everything he wants.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2022
- Open Russian Festival of Animated Film, Suzdal (Russia), 2021
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2021