Aleksandr KAVETSKY
Александр КАВЕЦКИЙ
Aleksandr KAVETSKI
Всеволод ХАНЧИН
Russia, 2008, 51mn 
Vladimir Vysotsky - pervyy stadion
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Владимир Высоцкий – первый стадион


 Vladimir Vyssotski - premier stade

 Vladimir Vysotsky - pervyy stadion

Directed by : Aleksandr KAVETSKY (Александр КАВЕЦКИЙ), Vsevolod KHANCHIN (Всеволод ХАНЧИН)

Plot synopsis
Samara is one of the six largest cities of Russia and it is also the only city in the world which has close to each other two museums dedicated to Vladimir Vyssotski. And not far away, in the town of Toliatti, there is a third museum.
Aleksandr Kavetski and Vsevolod Khanikine (founder of one of the three museums and organizer of a legendary Vyssotski concert in Samara) are the reciters of the film. They talk about the "phenomenon" Vyssotski with his family and in particular with Marina Vlady.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Sputnik nad Polska, Warsaw (Poland), 2012