Vasili LEVIN
Василий ЛЕВИН
Vassili LEVINE
USSR, 1957, 89mn 
Black and white, fiction
Povest o pervoy lyubvi
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Повесть о первой любви


 Povest o pervoy lyubvi

 Saga du premier amour

Directed by : Vasili LEVIN (Василий ЛЕВИН)
Sergey STOLYAROV (Сергей СТОЛЯРОВ) ...Le père
Spectators : 24,4 millions of spectators
Release Date in Russia : 28/07/1957
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
Based on the story of the same name by Nikolai Atarov.
After the death of her mother, high school student Olya, left in the care of a semi-literate aunt, decided to quit sports school and go to work. But Mitya did not leave his girlfriend in trouble and brought her to his place. Sensitive and tactful parents supported their son. But the townspeople see something immoral in this and spread dirty rumors ...