Russia, 2011, 28mn 
Pochemu ty grustish, dedushka ? ...
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Почему ты грустишь, дедушка?..


 Pochemu ty grustish, dedushka ? ...

 Pourquoi es-tu triste, grand-père ? ...

Directed by : Andrey KOZLOV (Андрей КОЗЛОВ)
Companies : MGUKI

Plot synopsis
On Victory Day, a parade takes place in the main square of each town - a tribute to the veterans, to the people who won the Great Patriotic War. Waking up early in the morning, long before the Victory Parade, having not yet had time to receive the congratulations, our hero finds himself alone with his thoughts. Sitting at his home in Voronezh, Pavel Maksimovich Archakov remembers his youth, caught in the war. From year to year that day, mentally, again and again, he walks the roads of war shoulder to shoulder with his comrades in arms.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Open Film Festival for students and beginners, Moscow (Russia), 2011