Shukurali DZHURAEV
Шукурали ДЖУРАЕВ
Choukourali DJOURAEV
Yekaterina GOLOVNYA
Екатерина ГОЛОВНЯ
Ekaterina GOLOVNIA
Russia, 2011, 40mn 
Colour, documentary
Zateryavshayas v polyakh
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Затерявшаяся в полях


 Lost in The Fields

 En se perdant dans les champs

Directed by : Shukurali DZHURAEV (Шукурали ДЖУРАЕВ), Yekaterina GOLOVNYA (Екатерина ГОЛОВНЯ)
Cinematography : Gennadi MROZOV (Геннадий МОРОЗОВ)
Produced by : Svetlana DALSKAYA (Светлана ДАЛЬСКАЯ)
Companies : DS Film
Site :

Awards :
Third Award Internet-festival "Rossiskaya Gazeta" Dubl DV@, Different cities (Russia), 2011

Plot synopsis
There are migrant-Tajiks living in the God forsaken village Perelogi of Tver province. Together with a few remaining natives of the village they have to decide a difficult question – what “multiculture” at work is?

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Internet-festival "Rossiskaya Gazeta" Dubl DV@, Different cities (Russia), 2011
- International Human Rights Film Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2011