Yekaterina TELEGINA
Екатерина ТЕЛЕГИНА
Russia, 2012, 12mn 
Colour, fiction
Koshka, Mishka i Lisa
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Кошка, Мишка и Лиса


 The Cat, The Bear and the Fox

 Le Chat, la souris et le renard

Directed by : Yekaterina TELEGINA (Екатерина ТЕЛЕГИНА)
Yekaterina NOSIK (Екатерина НОСИК)
Daria NOSIK (Дарья НОСИК)
Vladimir KAPUSTIN (Владимир КАПУСТИН)
Cinematography : Denis ALARCON-RAMIREZ (Денис АЛАРКОН-РАМИРЕС)
Music : Maksim GOLOVIN (Максим ГОЛОВИН)
Other persons :
Scriptwriter : Yekaterina Mavromatis
Producers : Vladimir Bugaev, Alexei Zipalov
Companies : Centre Doctor Chekhov

Plot synopsis
Late at night a strange company gets into a pre-booked taxi: three girls in costumes of a cat, a bear and a fox. The taxi driver jokes about the appearance of the passengers, without suspecting that fate is about play a nasty joke on him during that night.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- International Short and Animation Film Festival OPEN CINEMA, St Petersburg (Russia), 2013
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2012
- International Festival-Workshop of Film Schools, “Kinoproba”, Yekaterinburg (Russia), 2012
- Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), Moscow (Russia), 2012