Vladimir_2 PONOMAREV
Владимир_2 ПОНОМАРЕВ
Vladimir_2 PONOMAREV
Russia, 2012, 11mn 
Colour, animation
Kumi-Kumi. Musornaya zhaba
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Куми-куми. Мусорная жаба


 Trash Toad

 Kumi-Kumi. Le Crapaud à ordures

Directed by : Vladimir_2 PONOMAREV (Владимир_2 ПОНОМАРЕВ)

Plot synopsis
Yusi wants to take beautiful pictures of nature, but everyone is spoiled by the city garbage trucks. From the rubble, Yusi is rescued by Jugha and Shumadan, who arrived in a hot air balloon. It seems that all the troubles are over, but friends accidentally touch an anchor on a huge predatory toad ...

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- BCF. The Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2012
