Aleksandr_2 LITVINOV
Александр_2 ЛИТВИНОВ
Aleksandr_2 LITVINOV
USSR, 1928, 35mn 
Black and white, documentary
Lesnye lioudi
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Лесные люди (Удэ)


 Forest people. Local History essay.

 Les Hommes de la forêt. Essai d'histoire locale

Directed by : Aleksandr_2 LITVINOV (Александр_2 ЛИТВИНОВ)
Companies : Misc

Plot synopsis
Far East. Landscapes of taiga, Sikhote-Alin. Mountain River. Flora and fauna. Cattlesheds Udeghes. Hunters, fishermen at work. Movement of boats - canoes on rivers. Hunting for wild boar, bear. Family life, including a wedding, religious ceremonies. Dance shamans. Holidays. Birth of a child. Reception center Dalgostorga: renting furs. Dwellings settled Udeghes. Obstetric point. Khabarovsk. Building Pedagogical School. Students in the classroom. Vladivostok: general view of the city, street, house VK Arsenyev, a marina club. Far East researcher Arsenyev at work in the office, takes the walker from Udeghes SESC Teokka, accompanies him on the pier; VK Arsenyev and S. Teokka club on watching the movie. movement of the ship; directed by A. Litvinov filming in the forest.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Pordenone Silent Film Festival, Pordenone (Italy), 2017
- Message to Man : International Short, Documentary and Animated Film Festival, St Petersburg (Russia), 2017