Russia, 2020, 92mn 
Papa zakodirovalsya
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Папа закодировался


 Papa Coded

 Papa s'est reprogrammé

Directed by : Pavel KHODNEV (Павел ХОДНЕВ)
Writing credits : Dmitry LEMESHEV (Дмитрий ЛЕМЕШЕВ)
Yevgeni SYTY (Евгений СЫТЫЙ) ...Anatoli
Alla YUGANOVA (Алла ЮГАНОВА) ...Sveta
Nikolay SHREIBER (Николай ШРАЙБЕР) ...Pokotov
Aleksandr GOLOVIN (Александр ГОЛОВИН) ...Kolesov
Dmitry KULICHKOV (Дмитрий КУЛИЧКОВ) ...Mikhail
Cinematography : Aleksey SHUBAKOV (Алексей ШУБАКОВ)
Produced by : Aleksandr KOTELEVSKY (Александр КОТЕЛЕВСКИЙ), Andrei_2 NOVIKOV (Андрей_2 НОВИКОВ)
Companies : Artlight
Film revenue in Russia : 0.005673 million dollars
Spectators : 1 059
Release Date in Russia : 11/06/2021
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
After coding from alcoholism, Anatoly Snarov looked at his life with new, sober eyes. He has a wife, children and a responsible position of the head of housing and communal services in the district town of Sorochinsk. Having achieved enlightenment, Snarov decides to make others happy. He becomes an exemplary family man and an active citizen. His stormy activity quickly goes beyond the powers of the head of housing and communal services. In the hope of saving themselves from an active reformer, Snarov's entourage is throwing all their strength into decoding him.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival (formerly ''A Window to Europe''), Vyborg (Russia), 2020