Valentin TELEGIN
Валентин ТЕЛЕГИН
Russia, 2020, 8mn 
Slova na sklone
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Слова на склоне


 Words on the Slope

 Mots sur la pente

Directed by : Valentin TELEGIN (Валентин ТЕЛЕГИН)

Plot synopsis
This is a leisurely story about how the poet lives alone with nature and himself. The film is based on the works of two outstanding Japanese poets Masaoka Shiki and Kabayashi Issa.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Baikal Festival : People and Environment, Irkutsk (Russia), 2021
- BCF. The Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2021
- International Film Festival Tarkovski, Ivanovo (Russia), 2021
- Festival ''Cinema and literature'', Gatchina (Russia), 2021
- Open Russian Festival of Animated Film, Suzdal (Russia), 2021