Anatoli GRANIK
Анатолий ГРАНИК
Anatoli GRANIK
USSR, 1953, 73mn 
Black and white, fiction
Alyosha Ptitsyn cultivates willpower
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Алеша Птицын вырабатывает характер


 Aliocha Ptitsyne forge son caractère

 Aliosha Ptisyn vyrabatyvaet kharakter

Directed by : Anatoli GRANIK (Анатолий ГРАНИК)
Production : Lenfilm
Spectators : 16 millions of spectators
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
At the railway terminal the grandmother of the Moscow boy Alyosha, who is in his third year at school, happened to miss her friend and her granddaughter coming to visit her. The hospitable Alyosha meets them and it takes him all day to show them the beautiful and clean Moscow, the capital's high buildings, the new metro stations, the wide avenues...
Source :

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Festival ''Cinema and literature'', Gatchina (Russia), 2006