Natalia ORLOVA
Наталья ОРЛОВА
Natalia ORLOVA
Russia, 2004, 21mn 
Colour, animation
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Directed by : Natalia ORLOVA (Наталья ОРЛОВА)
Writing credits : Vladimir GOLOVANOV (Владимир ГОЛОВАНОВ)
Based on Chekhov's short story of the same name
Cinematography : Aleksandr CHEKHOVSKY (Александр ЧЕХОВСКИЙ)
Production design : Vera PIUNOVA (Вера ПИУНОВА)
Music : Igor NAZARUK (Игорь НАЗАРУК)
Produced by : Tengiz SEMENOV (Тенгиз СЕМЕНОВ)
Companies : Animos
format : Beta
Site :

Plot synopsis
Based on the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- BCF. The Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2010
- Russian Film Festival, London (United Kingdom), 2009
