Russia, 2010, 90mn 
Budu pomnit
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Буду помнить


 I Shall Remember

 Je me souviendrai

Directed by : Vitali VOROBYEV (Виталий ВОРОБЬЕВ)
Writing credits : Vera FYODOROVA (Вера ФЕДОРОВА), Yevgeni SOKUROV (Евгений СОКУРОВ)
Roman GOLCHUK (Роман ГОЛЬЧУК) ...Vadka
Sergey MAKHOVIKOV (Сергей МАХОВИКОВ) ...Vadka's father
Denis PARAMONOV (Денис ПАРАМОНОВ) ...Vadka's father
Sergey APRELSKY (Сергей АПРЕЛЬСКИЙ) ...Vadka's father
Yelena PODKAMINSKAYA (Елена ПОДКАМИНСКАЯ) ...Vadka's father
Sergey SAZONTYEV (Сергей САЗОНТЬЕВ) ...Vadka's father
Anatoli VASILIEV (Анатолий ВАСИЛЬЕВ) ...Vadka's father
Cinematography : Andrey SAMARETS (Андрей САМАРЕЦ)
Production design : Sergey GRUDININ (Сергей ГРУДИНИН)
Music : Maksim KOSHEVAROV (Максим КОШЕВАРОВ)
Produced by : Aleksey SAFRONOV (Алексей САФРОНОВ), Yevgeni SOKUROV (Евгений СОКУРОВ)
Companies : Greencity
Release Date in Russia : 03/05/2010

Plot synopsis
The film is based on real events, and the memories of the participants. The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War, in 1942, in a small southern town which is occupied by the Nazis. The main character is the 13-year-old Vadka, who lives in the occupied town and is the son of an “enemy of the people” who was repressed in the 1930s. After his father was arrested, Vadka grew up on the street, in a romantic criminal atmosphere.
Now that the Germans have entered the town, he is the “danger zone”, as the swarthy son of a Greek woman and Russian man: the Nazis constantly take him for a Jew, and he could be killed at any moment.
Vadka feels wary about his father: he is ashamed that he was arrested, while the other fathers are fighting on the frontline. But Vadka doesn’t know that during this time, his father saved many lives in the war, and proved himself to be a hero.
The film contrasts the world of the occupied territory, where fear and a constant expectation of death reign, and the ideas that the people who live in the occupied territory have about the battlefield.
Source :

Vitalii Vorob’ev : I’ll Remember (Budu pomnit’, 2010), Alexander MIHAILOVIC,, 2012

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- War in contemporary Russian cinema, (France), 2023
- Cyprus International Film Festival : CIFF, Nicosia (Cyprus), 2011
- Saint Petersburg International Cine-Forum, St Petersburg (Russia), 2010