Yevgeni BYALO
Евгений БЯЛО
Evgueni BIALO
Russia, 2011, 9mn 
Colour, fiction
The Truth
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 La Vérité


Directed by : Yevgeni BYALO (Евгений БЯЛО)
Cinematography : Olga FELDMAN (Ольга ФЕЛЬДМАН), Artiom MOSKALEV (Артем МОСКАЛЕВ)
Produced by : Yevgeni BYALO (Евгений БЯЛО)
Other persons :
Scriptwriter : Yulia Voronova
Cast : Maria Kononova, Pavel Khrulev
Production : Higher Courses of Script Writers and Directors

Plot synopsis
A young man goes to meet a girl. They have not seen each other for a long time. During this time things have changed in his private life. The girl understands this when she gives him theatre tickets as a present. She finds confirmation of the conjectures in the behaviour of the young man and during a telephone conversation when she takes a dishearteningly simple and concise decision. So that he does not have to bother finding the right words, she clarifies the situation. Caught on a hook, he leaves with the feeling of relief, without having understood anything. This is a short story where everything is built on the assumptions of past and future.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2012