Евгений ЦЫМБАЛ
Russia, 2012, 52mn 
Black and white, documentary
Jurgis Balstrusaitis. Posledniy rytsar "Serebryanogo veka"
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Юргис Балтрушайтис. Последний рыцарь «Серебряного века»


 Jurgis Balstrusaitis. Dernier chevalier du "Siècle d'argent"

 Jurgis Balstrusaitis. Posledniy rytsar "Serebryanogo veka"

Directed by : Yevgeni TSYMBAL (Евгений ЦЫМБАЛ)
Writing credits : Yevgeni TSYMBAL (Евгений ЦЫМБАЛ)
Cinematography : Saulius BERZHINIS (Саулюс БЕРЖИНИС)
Music : Faustas LATENAS (Фаустас ЛАТЕНАС)
Produced by : Vladimir REPNIKOV (Владимир РЕПНИКОВ), Mikhail ZILBERMAN (Михаил ЗИЛЬБЕРМАН)
Production : Studio 217

Awards :
Best documentary Festival ''Cinema and literature'', Gatchina (Russia), 2013
Prize Felix Svetov International Human Rights Film Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2012

Plot synopsis
The film is about the famous poet, one of the creators of Russian symbolism who lived at the beginning of the XX century. He knew many languages and was a translator who opened to the Russian theatre the great European dramatists including Ibsen, Strinberg, Gauptman, Metterlink, Wild. Chekhov, Gorky, Andreev, Stanislavsky, Komissarzhevskaya, Meierkhold, Mardzhanov, Tairov were eager to meet him. Later he became a diplomat and saved from the Bolshevik terror Marina Tsetaeva, Konstantin Balmont, Nina Berberova, Boris Zaitsev, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Alexei Remisov, Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, Semen Dubnov, Alexei Khodasevich, Philipp Malyavin, Leonid Pasternak, Mark Shagal and many others. He became the outstanding worker of Russian and European culture.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Festival ''Cinema and literature'', Gatchina (Russia), 2013
- Annual Independent Russian-American Documentary Film Festival in New York​ (Tribeca), New York (USA), 2013
- International Human Rights Film Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2012