Russia / Ukraina, 2015, 123mn 
Bitva za Sevastopol
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Битва за Севастополь


 Battle for Sevastopol


Russian subtitle : Незламна
Directed by : Sergey MOKRITSKY (Сергей МОКРИЦКИЙ)
Writing credits : Maksim BUDARIN (Максим БУДАРИН), Leonid KORIN (Леонид КОРИН), Sergey MOKRITSKY (Сергей МОКРИЦКИЙ)
Yevgeni TSYGANOV (Евгений ЦЫГАНОВ)
Anatoli KOT (Анатолий КОТ)
Cinematography : Yuri KOROL (Юрий КОРОЛЬ)
Production design : Yuri_2 GRIGOROVICH (Юрий_2 ГРИГОРОВИЧ)
Music : Yevgeni GALPERIN (Евгений ГАЛЬПЕРИН)
Produced by : Natalia MOKRITSKAIA (Наталья МОКРИЦКАЯ), Egor OLESOV (Егор ОЛЕСОВ), Ulyana SAVELIEVA (Ульяна САВЕЛЬЕВА)
Other persons :
Актёры (Cast; Acteurs) : Джоан Блэкэм (Joan Blackham)
Companies : "Новые люди" / "Novyié lioudy », les studios « Kinorob » avec le soutien de la Fondation du cinéma russe
Film revenue in Russia : 8.702 million dollars
Spectators : 1 948 052
Release Date in Russia : 02/04/2015
Sites : Page Allociné, page IMDb
VOD or DVD release in France : 2016-01-18, Site

Awards :
Best actress Yulia PERESILD , Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2016
Best Cinematography Yuri KOROL , Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2016

Note :
How the Project Came to Life: The idea to film a biopic of Ludmila Pavlichenko was originally conceived by the Cinema Committee of Ukraine in 2012, then headed by Ekaterina Kopylova. The project had to unite two countries in this depiction of a large-scale excerpt of their mutual recent history. Producers on both sides were equally fascinated by this true story, and the work began. The decision to green light the project was made in December 2012 by Kinorob (Ukraine) headed by Egor Olesov and New People (Russia) headed by Natalia Mokritskaya. Actual production began in 2013. The film was funded by Ministry of Culture of Russia and Ukranian Cinema Committee. The budget is 5 Million US$. Shooting began in Fall of 2013 and lasted until July 25th, 2014. It took place in Sevastopol, Balaklava, Kiev, Odessa, Kamenets-Podolsky.

DVD with subtitles
Editor : Seven 7. 2016. Titre : Résistance.
Le boitier contient :
- le Blu-ray du film
- le DVD La 2e Guerre Mondiale : 2 heures d'archives sur le conflit le plus meurtrier de l'histoire de l'humanité

Plot synopsis
Story of a woman who changed the course of history 
Falling in love with men who perished in devastating enemy fire, befriending Eleanor Roosevelt, delivering a landmark speech at a conference that influenced the outcome of World War II, constantly fighting in order to live and to love can a fragile woman handle all this ? This is the true story of Ludmila Pavlichenko, a legendary Soviet woman sniper. Soldiers went into combat carrying her name. Enemies hunted her. She saw death and suffering on the battlefield, but her hardest test was love, which war could take away from her…  

Les cinq films russes sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale ayant connu le plus de succès au box-office, Boris EGOROV, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2024
Cinq films russes récents à découvrir sur Amazon Prime Video, Nikolaï KORNATSKI, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2023
Top 5 Russian movies you can watch on Amazon Prime Video right now, Nikolai KORNATSKY, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2023
Разбираем 12 фильмов о войне, снятых в РФ и Украине после 2014 года [Films tournés en Russie et Ukraine après 2014], Anton DOLIN, Radio Dolin, 2022
Sergei Mokritskii: Battle for Sevastopol* (Nezlamna, 2015), Olga MUKHORTOVA, Kinokultura, 2022
Résistance, de Sergey Mokritskiy (2015), Cherycok,, 2016
Bataille pour Sébastopol: Russes et Ukrainiens réconciliés par un film, Marina LAPENKOVA,, 2015

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- War in contemporary Russian cinema, (France), 2023
- Festival del cinema russo a Milano, Milan (Italy), 2020
- Cairo International Film Festival, Cairo (Egypt), 2018
- Semaine du film russe à Alger et Oran, Algiers (Algeria), 2017
- VOD or DVD release in France of the film:, Different cities (France), 2016
- Nantes Russian Film Festival, Nantes (France), 2016
- Russian Film Festival in Niort, Niort (France), 2016
- Award "White Elephant", Moscow (Russia), 2016
- Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2016
- Seattle International Film Festival : SIFF, Seattle (USA), 2016
- Russian Resurrection Film Festival, Different cities (Australia), 2015
- Beijing's First Ever International Film Festival, Beijing (China), 2015
- Festival of Russian cinema in Nice, Nice (France), 2015
- Honfleur Russian Film Festival, Honfleur (France), 2015
- Russian Film Week in Paris : Regards de Russie, Paris (France), 2015
- Russische Filmwoche in Berlin, Berlin (Germany), 2015
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 2015