Vsevolod Pudovkin : Classic Films of the Soviet Avant-Garde
Author : Amy SARGEANT
Edition : I.B.Tauris, 2000
ISBN 1860644554, 9781860644559
207 pages
Langue : English
Site / Google : http://books.google.fr/ ...
Period : 1920 - 1935
"Vsevolod Pudovkin: Classic Films of the Soviet Avant-Garde is the first work on Pudovkin for more than twenty-five years. It covers his career from his apprenticeship with Gardin and Kuleshov in the early 1920s to his sound films of the early 1930s. It discusses films on which Pudovkin worked as director or collaborator and those in which he appeared, from the famous troika The Mother, The End of St. Petersburg and Storm Over Asia to the less well-known The Mechanics of the Brain and The Living Corpse. Pudovkin's work is placed in the context of his contribution to the cultural and political fervour of Soviet Russia after the Revolution and especially the theoretical disputes with his contemporary Sergei Eisenstein. Amy Sargeant also suggests broader alignments within European avantgarde movements and looks at the influence that D.W. Griffith exerted over this giant of early Soviet film-making. Vsevolod Pudovkin: Classic Films of the Soviet Avant-Garde is the companion volume to Richard Taylor's translations of Pudovkin's writings, The Pudovkin Collection."--BOOK JACKET.
Subjects : Avant-garde, Cinema history, directors,
Personnes associées : Vsevolod PUDOVKIN,