Born 1971 
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Владислав КЕТКОВИЧ
Filmography (extracts)
2024 - Happily ever after or why the dinosaurs died out (И жили они долго и счастливо или почему динозавры вымерли) from Darina UMNOVA [documentary, 96 mn]
2021 - Ivanna's life (Жизнь Иванны Яптунэ) from Renato BORRAYO SERRANO [documentary, 79 mn]
2021 - The New Greatness Case (Новое величие) from Anna SHISHOVA / BOGOLYUBOVA [documentary, 92 mn]
2019 - Beyond the peaks (За горой гора) from Mariya BARSOUKOVA [documentary, 75 mn]
2019 - A mother for Yulia (Мама для Юли) from Natalia KADYROVA [documentary, 79 mn]
2019 - Town of glory (Уездный город Е.) from Dmitry BOGOLYUBOV [documentary, 82 mn]
2019 - Shaman's Tale (Шаман против Путина) from Beata BUBENETS [documentary, 75 mn]
2017 - Successul territory (Территория успеха) from Dmitry VOLOGDIN , Ilya ZVEREV [documentary, 51 mn]
2017 - Shamanic lessons for beginnings (Курс молодого шамана) from Svetlana STASENKO [documentary, 73 mn]
2016 - Pavlensky. Life naked (Павленский. Голая жизнь) from Daria KHRENOVA [documentary, 74 mn]
2016 - Convictions (Убеждения) from Tatyana CHISTOVA [documentary, 62 mn]
2016 - The Sea Grass Pickers (Собиратели морской травы) from Mariya MURASHOVA [documentary, 65 mn]
2015 - Siberian Floating Hospital (Посланники Большой Земли) from Tatyana SOBOLEVA [documentary, 93 mn]
2015 - Who will be my husband? (Кто будет моим мужем?) from Daria KHRENOVA [documentary, 64 mn]
2014 - Men's Choice (Мужской выбор) from Yelena DEMIDOVA [documentary, 64 mn]
2013 - Leninland (Ленинленд) from Askold KUROV [documentary, 52 mn]
2009 - Gora tsygan (Гора цыган) from Aleksandra MARCHENKO [documentary, 31 mn]

Author :

Born in 1971, Vladislav Ketkovich has been producing films since 2020. After starting with films on geography and ethnography, he set about producing films on the current political situation in Russia, which criticize the Putin regime. Films awarded at many festivals and broadcast on television all over the world.
Vladislav Ketkovich left Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine and has been living in France since August 1, 2022 with his family (Le Monde, 24/11/2022).