The Wanderer : Grand Prix du meilleur premier film au Festival Littérature et Cinéma de Gatchina, 2007
Film director, prize-winner of documentary
film competitions. Born in 1964 in
Chelyabinsk. Acted and directed at an
amateur theatre, made shorts at the
Chelyabinsk studio Motive. From 1988-91
studied at the Faculty of Art History of the
Russian Christian Humanities Institute (St..
Petersburg); from 1991 studied under Alexei
German in his directorsí workshop (Studio of
First Experimental Film, Lenfilm). From
1993-97 trainee director on German's film
Khrustalev, my Car!. Since 2000 works on
the multi-serial documentary television
project The Other Side of the Earth (first
films: Shelter, Laurel Award for graphic
design, 2001; The Priest and the Parish,
2003). Participated in the project Petersburg
300 (SDF) where he made the documentary
film The Gift (2002). The Wanderer is
his debut in fiction feature films.
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