Born 1904, Russia
Died 1977
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Пётр Станиславович СОБОЛЕВСКИЙ
Filmography (extracts)
1968 - The Patron Saint Day (День ангела) from Stanislav GOVORUKHIN [fiction, 85 mn]
1955 - The Secret of Two Oceans (Тайна двух океанов) from Konstantin PIPINASHVILI [fiction, 151 mn]
1946 - Admiral Nakhimov (Адмирал Нахимов) from Vsevolod PUDOVKIN [fiction, 93 mn]
1944 - Moscow Skies (Небо Москвы) from Yuli RAIZMAN [fiction, 80 mn]
1940 - Disappearance of 'The Eagle' (Гибель Орла) from Vasili ZHURAVLYOV [fiction, 80 mn]
1938 - The Struggle Goes On (Борьба продолжается) from Vasili ZHURAVLYOV [fiction, 89 mn]
1936 - We Come from Kronstadt (Мы из Кронштадта) from Yefim DZIGAN [fiction, 91 mn]
1931 - Alone (Одна) from Grigori KOZINTSEV , Leonid TRAUBERG [fiction, 80 mn]
1931 - Sniper (Снайпер / Искусство убивать) from Semyon TIMOSHENKO [fiction, 83 mn]
1929 - New Babylon (The) (Новый Вавилон) from Grigori KOZINTSEV , Leonid TRAUBERG [fiction, 95 mn]
1927 - Union of the Great Cause (Союз великого дела) from Grigori KOZINTSEV , Leonid TRAUBERG [fiction, 76 mn]
1926 - Brother (Братишка) from Grigori KOZINTSEV , Leonid TRAUBERG [fiction, 57 mn]
1926 - The Devil's Wheel (Чертово колесо) from Grigori KOZINTSEV , Leonid TRAUBERG [fiction, 76 mn]
1926 - The Cloak / The Overcoat (Шинель) from Grigori KOZINTSEV , Leonid TRAUBERG [fiction, 66 mn]