Awards :
Boris Polevoy Literary Award Winner for the novella Courier (1982)
Lenin Komsomol Prize Winner for developing the musical comedy genre in the movies Jazzmen (Mi iz dzhaza) and A Winter Night in Gagra (Zimniy vecher v Gagrakh) (1986)
Honoured Worker of Arts of the Russian Federation (1997)
Vassilyev Brothers State Prize Winner of the Russian SFSR for producing the feature film Courier (1988)
People’s Artist of the Russian Federation (2002)
The Russian Federation State Prize Winner for having produced the movie Star (Zvezda, 2003).
The Day of the Full Moon : Prix spécial et prix de la Critique internationale (FIPRESCI) au festival de Karlovy-Vary, 1998
Prix Nika du meilleur scénario, 1999
Courier : Prix spécial au Festival de Moscou, 1987
Meilleur film de l’année selon un sondage du journal Sovietski ecran
31 millions de spectateurs en 1987 (6ème place)
Born on July 8, 1952, in Krasnodar.
Graduated from the stage direction department of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (Igor Talankin’s workshop) in 1975, majoring in film direction. His graduation thesis movie was titled Step Wide, Maestro! (Shire shag, maestro!).
1973-1974: assistant director at Mosfilm Studios;
June-October 1975: film director at Mosfilm Studios.
October 1975 – November 1976: Army service.
Since 1976: film director at Mosfilm Studios.
Since 1984: production director at Mosfilm Studios.
Since 1987: art director of the Mosfilm Studio’s creative association Start, which was re-named Courier in 1990.
1991 – present: art director of the Courier film studio of the Mosfilm Studios concern.
Since April 20, 1998: General Director and Chairman of the Board of MOSFILM Cinema Concern.
Film director, scriptwriter, and producer. Author of prose works Young Dirigibles (Molodyie dirizhabli) and Courier, host of a series of self-produced television programs 20th Century On and Off Screen (XX vek v kadre i za kadrom, 1994-1995).