Boomer : Prix de la meilleure musique au Festival Kinotavr,2003
Prix du meilleur premier film au Festival Kinotavr,2003
Russian director, screenwriter and sometimes actor.
Pyotr Buslov was born in Khabarovsk a city in the Russian Far East. Forgoing a promising wrestling career, he decided to pursue a future in film. Without being admitted to the film school full time, he joined Karen Shakhnazarov’s directorial workshop at VGIK. In his third year of studies, after directing “The Hard Work of The Old Moirae”, he was admitted to the program full time.
Buslov’s graduating project, “Bimmer” ( “Буммер”), released in 2003, brought him recognition among his peers,collecting awards at several domestic film festivals. It also brought considerable commercial success, becoming a blockbuster nationwide. Following the success of his first film Buslov directed several commercials and promotional reels. He also starred in Elija Khotinenko’s films “Odyssey. 1989” (2003) and “Call Me Genie” (2004).
His next film, “Bimmer. Part Two” (“Heaven on Earth”), was released in March 2006.
His place among the new generation of Russian filmmakers firmly secured, Buslov turned to TV, where he directed several seasons of the hit sitcom “Our Russia”.
Buslov’s long-awaited “Vysotsky. Thank You For Living”, a film based on the life of the beloved Russian bard, will be released in 2011.
In 2009 Buslov was among the five directors participating in the quintessential “Russian New Wave” almanac “Crush”, to which he contributed the short “Urgent Repair”.
Buslov lives in Moscow with his wife and young child.
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