Born 1925, USSR (Russia)
Died 1975
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Виктор Антонович АВДЮШКО
Filmography (extracts)
1975 - A Story of a Simple Matter (Рассказ о простой вещи) from Leonid MENAKER [TV film, 86 mn]
1970 - End of the Ataman (Конец атамана) from Shaken AIMANOV [fiction, 147 mn]
1969 - Subject for a Little Story (Сюжет для небольшого рассказа) from Sergey YUTKEVICH [fiction, 86 mn]
1969 - Song of Manshuk (Песнь о Маншук) from Mazhit BEGALIN [fiction, 78 mn]
1966 - Farewell (Прощай) from Grigori POZHENYAN [fiction, 89 mn]
1965 - Working Settlement (Рабочий поселок) from Vladimir VENGEROV [fiction, 138 mn]
1965 - Thirty Three (Тридцать три) from Georgi DANELIYA [fiction, 77 mn]
1962 - Initiation (Вступление) from Igor TALANKIN [fiction, 101 mn]
1961 - Peace to the One Who Comes (Мир входящему) from Aleksandr ALOV , Vladimir NAUMOV [fiction, 96 mn]
1956 - Beginning of Life (Тугой узел) from Mikhail SHVEITSER [fiction, 97 mn]
1954 - The Shipka heroes (Герои Шипки) from Sergey VASILIEV [fiction, 123 mn]
1953 - The Hostile Whirlwinds (Вихри враждебные) from Mikhail KALATOZOV [fiction, 126 mn]
1949 - The Cossacks of Kuban (Кубанские казаки) from Ivan PYRIEV [fiction, 110 mn]