Production Designer
Born in 1968, USSR (Russia)
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Инга Валерьевна КОРЖНЕВА
Filmography (extracts)
2021 - Murka (Мурка) [animation, 2 mn]
2012 - A Bun and a Bird (Булочка и птичка) [animation, 16 mn]
2010 - And Then... (После ...) [animation, 13 mn]
2008 - Maima Long-awaited (Майма-Долгожданный) [animation, 13 mn]
2007 - Little Khavroshka (Крошечка-Хаврошечка) [animation, 13 mn]
2004 - Orange Jam (Варенье из апельсинов) [animation, 7 mn]
2001 - Colour Thief (Похититель цвета) [animation, 10 mn]
2021 - Murka (Мурка) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 2 mn]
2012 - A Bun and a Bird (Булочка и птичка) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 16 mn]
2010 - And Then... (После ...) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 13 mn]
2007 - Little Khavroshka (Крошечка-Хаврошечка) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 13 mn]
2004 - Orange Jam (Варенье из апельсинов) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 7 mn]
2001 - Colour Thief (Похититель цвета) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 10 mn]
Production Designer
2021 - Murka (Мурка) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 2 mn]
2012 - A Bun and a Bird (Булочка и птичка) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 16 mn]
2010 - And Then... (После ...) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 13 mn]
2010 - Izobretateli vstrechayut novyy god (Изобретатели встречают новый год) from Konstantin GOLUBKOV [animation, 13 mn]
2008 - Maima Long-awaited (Майма-Долгожданный) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 13 mn]
2007 - Little Khavroshka (Крошечка-Хаврошечка) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 13 mn]
2004 - Orange Jam (Варенье из апельсинов) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 7 mn]
2001 - Colour Thief (Похититель цвета) from Inga KORZHNEVA [animation, 10 mn]

Awards :
A Bun and a Bird :
Special Jury prize, Open Russian Festival of Animated Film, Suzdal (Russia), 2013
And Then... :
Diploma, Open Russian Festival of Animated Film, Suzdal (Russia), 2011

Born in Krasnojarsk/Siberia on 14.10.1968, she trained as an actor in the drama department of Moscow State Academy’s W. I.Surikov Art Institute, subsequently working as a stage designer. In 1992 she took up studies at the Moscow Film School VGIK, where she specialised in animation film.