Aleksandr_2 DEMYANENKO
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Александр_2 ДЕМЬЯНЕНКО
Aleksandr_2 DEMIANENKO
Filmography (extracts)
2023 - Babe (Детка) from Irina BAS [fiction, 108 mn]
2022 - Mittelmarch (Миттельмарш) from Sofia MELEDINA [fiction, 75 mn]
2021 - What Beat You Nothing (Кто тебя победил никто) from Liubov ARKUS [documentary, TV, 131 mn]
2019 - The Battle (Битва) from Anar ABASOV [fiction, 85 mn]
2019 - School of Seduction (Школа соблазнения) from Alina RUDNITSKAYA [documentary, 97 mn]
2018 - Deep rivers (Глубокие реки) from Vladimir BITOKOV [fiction, 75 mn]
2013 - The gift (Дар) from Sergey KARANDASHOV [fiction, 94 mn]
2011 - The Dry Valley (Суходол) from Aleksandra STRELYANAYA [fiction, 90 mn]
2010 - Bread for Bird (Хлеб для птицы) from Aleksandra STRELYANAYA [documentary, 35 mn]
2008 - SkyEarth (НебоЗемля) from Sergey KARANDASHOV , Aleksandr KUPRIN [documentary, 58 mn]
2006 - Sarafan (Сарафан) from Aleksandra STRELYANAYA [documentary, 21 mn]